We offer individual tours of the school each week. Please fill out this form to book your tour.

child using a laptop

Earhart House have chosen Fulham Good Neighbours as their charity to raise funds for this year. This great organisation supports older and disabled people in their homes, gardens, community, community centre and online. Go Earhart!

@fulhamgoodneighbours @iapsuk @familiesswlondon @schoolhouse_magazine @isparent.mag #ParsonsGreenPrep #ParsonsGreen #Fulham #London #SW6 #Londonschool #fulhamschools #prepschool #prep #independentschool #school #fundraising #donation #donate #volunteering #giving #charity #neighbours #neighbourhood #community #communitycentre #gardening #disabled #theelderly #fulhamgoodneighbours

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World Ballet Day

Posted: 1st November 2023

girl holding a ribbon

Happy World Ballet Day to all our dancers and to the wonderful Miss Alice from Marble Hill Dance Studios – a big thank you for teaching them so well over the years.

Categories: General news