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News and Events

Year 4 delve into Ancient Rome

30th October 2023

Year 4’s expedition to the London Mithraeum Museum was fascinating. The children delved deep into the world of Ancient Rome, marvelling at various artefacts and learning about their historical significance. The interactive experience…

Our Senior Schools Fair

5th October 2023

Parsons Green Prep is holding a Senior Schools Fair on Tuesday 10 October at 6.15pm at the school. We are delighted to extend this invitation to external families in our local community in…

Sparkle your bike or scooter!

4th October 2023

Most of our children walk, scoot or cycle to school, which is very good news for the environment and important for our Eco-Schools Green Flag status. The challenge for this week is thinking…

Year 4 in action against Kew College

28th September 2023

Year 4 played two football matches against Kew College recently. The Yellow Team scored a fantastic goal in the first half of their match, whilst the Green Team followed suit with a smashing…

PGP tackle Finton House in four-match thriller

27th September 2023

Year 3 travelled to Trinity Fields to play Finton House School at football recently. We played four thrilling matches, with PGP winning one match and Finton House winning the other three. The children…

Art Day a great success

26th September 2023

For Art Day the whole school looked at the painting The Ambassadors by Hans Holbein the Younger. Each year group focused on a different theme and once again produced some amazing work. Amongst…

Our September Open Day

19th September 2023

We have a couple of places left for our Open Day this Saturday at 9.30am in Fulham. Please contact us by email at admissions@parsonsgreenprep.co.uk or by telephone on 020 7610 8085 to book…

Welcome back to school!

6th September 2023

Welcome back to school and an especially warm welcome to our new pupils and staff members. We hope you all had a wonderful summer and we are very much looking forward to an…

Charity round-up

20th July 2023

The PGP community raised £2,065 between our four house events this year. Earhart kicked us off with £922 raised at the sustainable t-shirt fashion show for FARA Kids. Shackleton raised £310 for Hammersmith…

The House Cup winners this term

19th July 2023

Our penultimate day of term saw the presentation of the House Cup. Well done to all of the children for their incredible efforts this year. Thousands of house points have been awarded for…